LLYFRGELL GENEDLAETHOL CYMRU THE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF WALES JOURNAL VOLUME VIII. SIR JOHN VAUGHAN OF TRAWSCOED, 1603-1674 THE ESTATE AND THE Family1 The Vaughans of Trawscoed claimed descent from Collwyn ap Tango, founder of the fifth noble tribe of North Wales, but the first mention in the Crosswood Deeds of an ancestor who also figures in the pedigrees2 is on 10 June 1547, when 1 I have not attempted in this short survey to give a detailed account of the development of the Trawscoed estate, but some of the general trends have been suggested. I am extremely grateful to Professor T. Jones Pierce of Aberystwyth for much helpful advice. Any errors, however, which may be noted in this article, are entirely my responsibility. 2 I reproduce here, in abbreviated form, the Trawscoed pedigree as found in Peniarth MS. 156, published in West Wales Historical Trans., Vol. I, pp. 4-6. Other pedigrees referred to appear in the following: Nicholas, Annals and Antiquities of the Counties and County Families of Wales (London, 1872), pp. 201-2; Burke, Peerage (London, 1949), pp. 1235-6; Meyrick, History and Antiquities of Cardigan (London, 1808), p. 321; British Annals, p. 51 (vide N.L.W.J., VIII, No. 1, p. 50, n. 85); Yorke, Royal Tribes of Wales (Liverpool, 1887), p. 185; the Harl. MS. B.M. 1412, f. 135b 'set fforth at Sir John Vaughan his ffuneraH', the pedigree of Ieuan Vaughan of Cwmnewyddion 'now living, Batchelor of Divinity' July, 1615; Dwnn, Heraldic Visitations of Wales (Llan- dovery, 1846), ed. S. R. Meyrick, Vol. I, p. 49. These accounts vary in a number of details, but attention is drawn only to the more interesting variations. Collwyn ab Tango m. Rhianwen d. to Einion ab Morgan. Cadifor (a) ab Collwyn m. Einion ab Cadifor (as Dr. Po'll) but most of the South Wales Heraulds make him son to Collwyn Ld of Saingennoch m. Lleucu d. to Iestyn ab Gwrgan Ld of Morgannwg. Gr. ab Einion m. Tanglwst d. & h. to Ievan Lid ab Gr. Gam. Lien fychan ab Gr. m. Gwissa d. to Lien ab Iorwerth benfras of Maesbrooke. Adda fychan m. Dido (b) d. & h. to Evan goch ab Gr. of Trawsgoed. Medd ab Adda o'r Trawsgoed Esqr. m. Efa d. to Llen. fychan ab Holl, ab Iestin. Adda ab Medd m. Gwyrfyl d. & h. to Lien. goch. LIen. ab Adda m. Margt. d. to Thos. fychan. Ievan ab Lien. m. Gwenll. d. to Gr. ab Evan. Morus fychan m. Angharad d. to Dd ab Lien. Richd. fychan (c) m. Mawd. d to Rs. Dd Llen. CYLCHGRAWN Summer, 1954. NUMBER 3. III