ritate Capituli terminanda Eisdem committitur querula quae vertitur inter abbates de Neth et de Strafluns [i.e. Strata Florida] et quod de utraque factum fuerit Capitulo sequenti denuntient. It is a coincidence that another foreign work acquired at about the same time should, inter alia, provide some interesting material for the study of one of the secular activities of monastic houses including those of Wales. This work is an edition by Allan Evans of F. B. Pegolotti's La Pratica della Mercatura (Publication No. 24 of The Mediaeval Academy of America, 1936). It is an encyclopaedia of information on international trade and finance compiled by a Florentine merchant in the fourteenth century when Florence was at the height of its commercial glory. Pages 258-269 consist of a section entitled Inghilterra per lane di magione e par lane cogliette, i.e. a list of wool- producing districts in England, with the capacities of each. The lane di magione were wools produced on the monastic estate, and the lane cogliette those collected from a wider district. Among the Welsh monasteries which were active in this trade the list names Aberconway, Whitland, and Margam. J. J. JONES. THE ALCWYN EVANS MANUSCRIPTS.- These manuscripts, which were sold at Sotheby's Saleroom, Lon- don, on July 18, 1939, were purchased on behalf of Alderman R. J. R. Loxdale, D.L., Castle Hill, Cardiganshire, who has since transferred them to the National Library as a gift. ALCWYN CARYNI EVANS (1827-1902) devoted much of his life to the collection of material for the history of the town and county of Carmarthen and to genealogical research. The results of his researches and transcriptions form twelve bulky volumes strongly bound and a number of smaller quartos, all beautifully written in the neat hand of the compiler. The mass of genealogical material is assembled in two works of two volumes each, entitled Bonedd y Cymry' and British Genealogy,' which contain pedigrees of the gentry of Wales and of the counties of Brecknock, Cardigan, Carmarthen, Glamorgan, and Pem- broke respectively. Collections relating to the history of the town of Carmarthen include transcripts of the records of the borough (1590- 1764), the registers of the church of St. Peter's (1671-1812), the chart- I N.L.W. MSS. 12,356-12,388,