Jeffrey and Edward ap Rees ap Meredith, of the other part, concerning property including a water mill and a fulling mill, situated in Camen in Llanfyllin Parish. Edward ap Rees is also mentioned in an agreement with Thomas ap Evan, dated 10 November, 1641, concerning property situated in Keel, Meifod. The Pryces of Keel, Meifod, were burgesses of Llanfyllin, being freeholders also in that Borough, and occupied the Bailiff's chair on more than one occasion. One branch of this family appears to have owned the tannery at Llanfyllin over a very long period. To return to Clopton Prhys (who did not record his arms at the Herald's College when he became Sheriff). He was the Pryce family representative in the marriage settlement of the Rev. Edward Pryce, of Gaervawr in Guils- field Parish, Vicar of Berriew, on the occasion of his marriage (his second one) to Martha, daughter of Joseph Gittoes in 1791. The Gittoes Trustee in the marriage settlement was the Rev. James Atcherley. Rev. Edward Pryce died not long afterwards and his will was proved on 30 April, 1794. In it he bequeath- ed £ 100 and his wearing apparel to David Pryce the younger, the son of his relative, David Pryce the elder, of Maesgwyn in Guilsfield Parish." Descended from David Pryce of Maesgwyn is Alderman Edward Calcott Pryce, Sheriff of the City of London and Sheriff nominate (1955) of Montgomeryshire. He is a grandson of the late Mr. David Pryce of Maesgwyn, who moved to Eyton in Alberbury Parish later-a worthy descendant of the Pryces of Keel, Meifod. There is one other minor point of interest on page 38 of Harl. M.S.S. No. 1936. Bridget Vaughan, sister of Mrs. John Pryce, is recorded as being the wife of Robert Ffoulkes, Parson of Llanfechain." The Rev. Robert Ffoulkes, M.A., was Rector of Llanfechain for one year only, viz. 1633, and so the date of this pedigree can be safely assigned to 1633. Now I must return to the claim of Harry Tudor of Llanfechain to be descend- ed from Robert, the son of Sir Owen ap Tudor." Incidentally the latter's name was not correctly Owen ap Tudor but Owen ap Meredith ap Tudor and he took the name of Tudor for his surname. We know that Sir Owen Tudor became Consort to Queen Katherine soon after the death of her husband King Henry the Fifth in 1422. By her, Sir Owen had two sons, Jasper Tudor, Earl of Pembroke, and Edmund Tudor, Earl of Richmond. If he had a son named Robert, it would have been previous to 1422. Could this Robert have a great grandson Harry Tudor living in the 17th Century, as claimed in Harl. M.S.S. 1936? I should say, No. Still 200 years is not a long time in Welsh memories