Flintshire Historical Society The Council have pleasure in enclosing a copy of the Inaugural Lecture by Professor J. Goronwy Edwards on The Building of Flint.' We hope to issue a volume of the Journal in the New Year. It is only through the support and encouragement of its members that the Society will be able to carry on the important work of creating an active and informed interest in the history of Flintshire. Local history is an important field of study, where there is a vast amount of work to be done. To accomplish this the Society must have a large membership. The officers of the Society are doing their best to achieve this object and appeal to members to interest their friends in the Society. The present membership is 270, which you will agree is far short of the number required to enable us to launch out boldly as a publish- ing society, and we appeal to all members to assist us by per- suading people who are likely to be interested to join. E. H. PARRY, Chairman of the Council. November, 1951.