THE REGISTERS OF TREFEGLWYS. The earliest volume is a small thin parchment octavo of 18 leaves, 9 J- inches by 5 J- inches, with a parchment cover. It is very imperfect and incomplete, but even so contains many items of more than parochial interest. On the inner side of the front cover are four incomplete entries s Richard filius Joh'is Ga -J* Thomas filius Rogeri Whittingham Marg* filia Joh'is Katherina filia Evani Phil' Anwil. The inner side of the back cover contains a list of timbers for some purpose unspecified, e.g., Standards 5, bards 6, pillars 45, ribs 4, pannell boards 15, punshions 9, little stepps 4, long carved boards 15, Carved pannells 33." The front page is occupied by the Title, thus Liber Registerii parockiae de Trefegloes. Alexandro Grumth, Vicario Moriceo Evans ) & Christophero Hall f Ĺ“conomis Decembris vicesimo primo 1625 Dominus illuminatio mea." Beneath this Richard Worthinton" has figured his name, and someone else has noted Joh'es Pott sepul- tus 15 On the last page the same "Richard Worthinton occurs again, and we have also Thomas Ingram" and "John Bembowe," with the further unfinished script that the aforesaid John by Richard his Attorney complayneth that the The verso of page one is occupied by the consecutive entries of the baptism of five of Vicar Griffith's children: Elizabeth, Margaret, Ursula, Godfrey and