Dafydd Jones, Trefriw, 1708-1785. ANTIQUARY, BARD, CLOCHYDD, &c., &c. By ALBERT OWEN Evans, Archdeacon of Bangor. DURING his life-time, David Jones showed preference for the first title, he was called the second by the great Lewis Morris himself, and by profession and means of livelihood undoubtedly he was looked upon as clochydd,' at Trefriw in the Conway Valley. We might easily pass through the whole gamut of the letters of the alphabet and discover some calling or other which Jones in his day attempted to fill. Until very lately as a rule a clochydd was truly sui generis. These days, with the improvement and advance noticeable in church music and services generally, the old type of clochydd is fast disappearing. At one time he was not simply a sexton or verger but something more. In many a parish a clochydd was a tithe-owner, and the bell-sheaf was a symbol of the legal form of his stipend. It was a life appointment. Alas present conditions in Wales have almost removed the last vestige of his former glory. A few years ago a large quantity of manuscript music was sent from Anglesey to the National Library of Wales at Aberystwyth. It was the handiwork of a' clochydd of Anglesey of ancient days. The manuscripts varied con- siderably in merit; still the work was a token of what was accomplished by him. To-day in Caernarvonshire is one of the old generation who has in his possession a large and valuable collection of Welsh books and pamphlets which would do credit to the library of a richer and more highly educated scholar. These took the toll of many a weary mile and many a long day, but all are now catalogued,