THE Journal OF THE WELSH BIBLIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY VOL. IV. JULY, 1936. Nos. 7-8. CONTENTS. Editorial Notes 305 Caernarvon Borough Records 307 Glyn Roberts, M.A. Mr. Llewelyn Lloyd's Monograph on 'The Book-trade in Shropshire' 327 The Editor. Thomas Jones 337 Llewelyn C. Lloyd. Notes on Three Books 346 (With three illustrations). William Williams, F.L.A. Yr Adfywiad Llenyddol Gwyddeleg, a Dulliau Cyhoeddi Llyfrau 350 D. Myrddin Lloyd, M.A. Three Early Quaker Books 356 The Editor. Yr Eurgrawn Cymraeg; a Correction of its date 358 (With an illustration). The Reverend T. Llechid Jones, B.A. Tegid a Syr S. R. Meyrick 361 D. R. Hughes. Books and Bookmen 364 D. Rhys Phillips, F.L.A. Notes and Queries 371 Report of the Annual Meeting, 1935 372 List of Members, July, 1936 378 CARMARTHEN: PRINTED BY W. SPURRXLL & ION.