M(er)edith G. xl.s ii.d R(ee)s ap John G. xx.s i.d LI(ywely)n ap Ddavid ap M(er)edith G. iiii.Li. iiii.d D(avi)d ap LI(ywely)n G. xl.s ii.d John GoZ G. iii.Li. iii.d D(avi)d ap Morrys G. xx.s i.d M(ar)get v(er)Z Phelip G. xx.s i.d D(avid) ap Thomas BengrieZ G. iii.Li. iii.d Morrys ap D(avi)d GoZ G. iiii.Li. iiii.d Nest v(er)Z Iev(a)n G. xl.s ii.d # Ricard ap D(avi)d G. vii.Li. xiiii.d Hoell ap Rees G. iiii.Li. iiii.d Richard 1 G. v.Li. x.d # Thom(a)s ap D(avi)d GoZ G. iiii.Li. iiii.d Owen ap D(avi)d G. vii.Li. xiiii.d D(avi)d ap Thomas Dee G. xx.s i.d G(wi)l(y)m ap D(avi)d G. iii.Li. iii.d Agnes Orvom G. iii.Li. iii.d D(avi)d ap Jenkin G. iii.Li. iii.d Marget v(er)Z R(ee)s G. xx.s i.d Agnes v(er)Z R(ee)s G. xx.s i.d Bedoe ap Hoell ap M(er)edith G. xx.s i.d S(um)m(a) x.s vii.d 2 Notes: # missing in 1545. 1. Richard ap Rees in 1545. 2. total in 1545: lO.s (31) New Radnor Richard Blyke 1 La. xx.Li. xx.s Will(ia)m Davies La. iiii.Li. viii.d Petre Havard La. iiii.Li. viii.d John ap Lewis G. ix.Li. xviii.d Stephin ap Hoell 2 G. ix. Li. xviii.d Jenkin Ho(e)ll G. ix.Li. xviii.d Stephin ap Lewis G. iiii.Li. iiii.d Gwenllian ap Howen G. iii.Li. iii.d John Passy G. xl.s ii.d Richard Passye G. xx.s i.d # Edward ap Mered(ith) G. xl.s ii.d Hoell ap Madoke G. viii.Li. xvi.d Stephin ap Eynon G. xl.s ii.d Mawd Down 3 G. xl.s ii.d Harry Barred G. xl.s ii.d David Wev(er) G. iiii.Li. # Hoell Dier G. xx.s Thomas ap Hoell G. 4 Hugh Taylor G. 5 John Luntley G. 6 Stephin Holl G. 7 Thom(a)s ap Hoell ap Thom(a)s G. viii.Li. Watkin Clube G. ix.Li. Steph.. ? Craccher La. xx.s ii.d Tho. x.Li. xviii.d iiii.Li. iiii.d Vain G. xl.s ii.d/ G. iiii.Li. iiii.d xl.s ii.d/ (m.7.d) Hundr(edum) de Radnor da solut(io) Tanglust v(er)Z Thomas G. Roger ap Thomas G. vi.Li. xii.d Katern v(er)Z D(avi)d G. xl.s ii.d Stephin ? wene xx.s Henry Taylor G. iii.Li. R(ee)s Harries G. iiii.Li. viii.d Edward ap R(ee)s Weith G. xl.s ii.d Watkin ap Morgan G. xx.s i.d Mathew ap Hoell 9 G. xl.s ii.d R(ee)s Matho G. xl.s ii.d John Glas G. xl.s ii.d Stephin Hoell G. xl.s ii.d Marget Grymes landes xx.s ii.d D(avi)d ap Bedo ap R(ee)s G. v.Li. x.d Morris ap Iev(a)n ap Deio G. xx.s i.d Gruffith ap Hoell G. iii.Li. Elese Holl G. xx.s i.d Gwenllian Morres G. iiii.Li. iiii.d Iev(a)n ap Hoell ap Steph(in) G. xl.s ii.d S(um)m(a) x.Li. xliiii.s iii.d S(um)m(a) tot(a)lis [xxxvii.Li. xiii.s vii. ] xxxviii.Li. iii.s viii.d p(robata) Notes: # missing from 1545. 1. Subsidy commissioner 1543-5; sheriff 1543-4; MP 1547-53 (EHSR, 36, p.43.); Ric. Bleke esq. in 1545. 2. high collector for Radnor hundred in 1544; Stephen Powell in 1545. 3. £ 6 in 1545. 4. 20.s in 1545. 5. £ 10 in 1545. 6. £ 7 in 1545. 7 Maud Donne d. 1549; inventory £ 15 7.s 8.d (AD 45; HPR, TRS 26, p.30). 8. The 1545 return is too badly faded and torn to read after this point. 9. d.c.1546; inventory £ 3 lis 8.d (AO 43) Rhayader Hundred 1544 Assessment (Second Payment) (m.8.f) (2 tags with one seal) (32) To the right hon(or)able the treasurer and barons of the kinges Eschequier James Vaugh(a)n, John Knyll, Rees ap G(wi)l(y)m & John ap R(ee)s esquers com(m)ission(er)s assigned amongest other by vertue of the king(e)s com(m)ission for the second payment of the kinges subsidyes w(i)t(h)in the countie of Radnor graunted by the laie fee in/ the p(ar)liament