CAMBRIA Volume 12 Number 2 1985 A Welsh Geographical Review Editorial Board P. Cooke, University of Wales, Institute of Science and Technology J.A. Dawson, University of Stirling R. Richards, University College of Swansea, Business Manager R.A. Shakesby, University College of Swansea, Editor C.J. Thomas, University College of Swansea Cambria is published twice yearly Subscription rate is £ 7.00 per year Details of backnumbers are available from Mr. R. Richards, Department of Geography, University College of Swansea, Singleton Park, Swansea, SA2 8PP. Manuscripts are invited for consideration for publication and should be sent to Dr. R.A. Shakesby, Department of Geography, University College of Swansea, Singleton Park, Swansea, SA2 8PP. All Manuscripts should be in duplicate, typewritten and double-spaced. The style of the journal should be followed with respect to layout and references. (See 'Instructions to Authors'). © Cambria 1985