right, subject to the annual payment of £ i ios., and the privilege was long known as the Pryse, or Castle, Maes of Herrings. After- wards a member of the Nanteos family obtained a lease of the right, and fifty years ago there were persons living who remembered the first haul of herrings caught in the bay each year, being sent to Nanteos. Several other payments were demanded by the Crown, some of which still continue. The old Mill is an instance. It is not now known when corn was first ground in the Town, but the ques- tion was raised by the Crown whether the inhabitants possessed the right to grind without the consent of the Crown Officials and pay- ment of a toll. In 1573 an important trial took place at Hereford, between the Crown and the inhabitants of Aberystwyth, in which the Crown succeeded in establishing its right to the Mill. Since then it was called Our Lady's Mill," or The Mill of our Lady Queen Elizabeth." Thirteen years after the lawsuit the Crown leased the Mill with all its rights to a member of the Pryse family for 40 years, at the annual rent of £ 3. This transaction was the first of the many ties between the Gogerddan family and the town. After the Lease, Mr. Pryse's consent had to be obtained for grinding at the Mill and the tolls were paid to him. Subsequently, the Crown disposed of the Mill to Mr. Pryse and his heirs for ever, subject to the annual payment of £ 3. In 1743 fresh trouble arose concerning the Mill in consequence of some inhabitants taking corn to mills outside the town. An action was commenced to determine the question whether grinding elsewhere was an infringement of the rights attached to Our Lady's Mill." The difficulty was removed by the Corporation granting a plot of land for the purpose of en- larging the Mill and making it sufficient to meet the requirements of the town. The right of electing representatives to Parliament was granted to Welsh Counties and boroughs in 1537, but the burgesses at Aber- ystwyth had no choice in the first election. Cardigan, as the county town, alone possessed the right to elect, notwithstanding that the inhabitants of Aberystwyth contributed to the salary paid to the member which then amounted to 2/- per day. Shortly afterwards, the right of election was granted to all boroughs which contributed to the remuneration of the member. The influence of Aberystwyth was first manifested in the election which took place in 1601 wnen two members were returned, one as the choice of Aberystwyth, and the other of Cardigan. The member elected at Aberystwyth was Dr. William Awbrey, who is described as a distinguished mem- ber of Oxford University, a Doctor of Laws, an Advocate in the Court of Arches, a Master in Chancery, and a Member of the Council of Marches. The double return was discussed in the House of Commons and a Committee was appointed to inquire into the Election. It was proved before the Committee that the Sheriff for the County on the receipt of the Queen's Writ, directed the