was one of the council of the Marches of Wales and a member of Par- liament in the reign of Queen Mary (1553-1555). He was succeeded by his sou, Sir Richard Pryse, Kt., who appears to have been that Sir Richard Pryse, known as Lord of Geneu'r Glyn and Tregaron," who entertained Lewys Dwnn when the celebrated Welsh herald visited Gogerddan to draw up the family pedigree in 1588. In 1641 another Richard Pryse of Gogerd/dan was created a baronet by Charles 1st., and he married Hester Middleton, daughter of Sir Hugh Middleton, the famous projector of the New River, whilst his second wife was the widow of the famous painter, Vandyke. The fourth Baronet, Sir Oarbury Pryse, died unmarried in 1694, whereupon the baronetcy became extinct, and the Gogerddan estates passed to his kinsman, Thomas Pryse, of Glanvraed. Lewis Pryse, the next representative of the house of Gogerddan seems to have departed from the former Parliamentarian traditions of the family, for he actually received in April, 1717, a letter from the Jacobite Earl of Mar, then at Innsbruck, inviting him to assist James Stuart, the so-called Old Pretender, to recover his lost kingdom. This interesting letter exists in manuscript in the Peniarth Collection now in the National Library at Aberystwyth, and may possibly have given rise to a legend still whispered in the neighbourhood that some ardent Jacobite member of the family once concealed Bonnie Prince Charlie in a secret chamber of the old mansion. The later history of the Pryse family is more or less well-known to all who have studied the monuments in Llanbadarn Church, and it is hardly necessary to state that members of this house have for centuries past done their duty to their country as Members of Parliament, Lord Lieutenants and officers of the Army whilst an will remember that the Baronetcy was revived by royal licence in 1866 in favour of the late Sir Pryse Pryse, a great-grandson of the heiress Margaret Pryse who married Edward Loveden Townsend of Buscot Park, Berkshire. The older part of Gogerddan was the same in 1745 as seen to-day. To judge from estate plans a terraced front and ornamental grounds were added about the year 1750, whilst in the early part of the last century an old portion of the house was pulled down, which may possibly have included some of the original 15th century buildings. The modern wing of the house was built in 1860 by the late Sir Pryse Pryse. PROFESSOR ANWYL, of the University College, Aberystwyth, was the next speaker and in the course of an address on the value of a County Antiquarian Society, he said:—It was a great pleasure to me to hear when away from Aberystwyth during the College Vacation of the formation of an Antiquarian Society for Cardiganshire, and I desire to congratulate the founders of the Society most cordially upon the excellent beginning which they and those who have worked with them have been enabled to make. As President for the present year of the Antiquarian Society of the sister county of Carmarthen, I have much pleasure on behalf of that Society in conveying to the new Society of Cardigan our heartiest felicitations and good wishes. The subject to which I propose to ask your kind attention for a short time this afternoon is that of the value of a County Antiquarian Association. In speaking of a County Association, I do not wish to ignore the value