17 H. D. Emanuel, 'Early St. David's Records', CLl.G.C, VIII (1954), 262. Gw. hefyd N. Ramsay, 'Retained Legal Counsel c. 1275-c. 1475', Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, Fifth Series, 35 (1985), tt. 95-112. 18 0 blith yr astudiaethau pwysicaf, nodir M. T. Clanchy, 'Law and Love in the Middle Ages', Disputes and Settlements: Law and Human Relations in the West, gol. J. Bossy, (Caergrawnt, 1983), tt. 47-67; S. Roberts, 'The Study of Dispute: Anthropological Perspectives', ibid., tt. 1-24; I. Rowney, 'Arbitration in Gentry Disputes of the Later Middle Ages', History, 67 (1982), tt. 357-76; W. I. Miller, 'Avoiding Legal Judgment: The Submission of Disputes to Arbitration in Medieval Iceland', American Journal of Legal History, 28 (1984), tt. 95-124; S. D. White, 'Pactum Legem Vincit et Amor Judicium: the Settlement of Disputes by Compromise in Eleventh Century Western France', ibid., 22 (1978), tt. 281-308; F. R. H. Du Boulay, 'Law Enforcement in Medieval Germany', History 63 (1978), tt. 345-55. 19 E. Powell, 'Arbitration and the Law in England in the Late Middle Ages', T.R.H.S. 5th Ser. 33 (1983), tt. 49-69; The Episcopal Registers of the Diocese of St. David's 1397-1518 (Cymmrodorion Record Series no. 6), 11,542,569. Gw. hefyd, Huw Pryce, 'Duw yn lie Mach: Briduw yng Nghyfraith Hywel', Lawyers and Laymen, goln. T. M. Charles-Edwards, M. E. Owen, D. B. Walters (Caerdydd, 1986), t. 51. 20 Cyfreithiau Hywel Dda yn 61 Llyfr Blegywryd, goln. S. J. Williams a J. E. Powell (Caerdydd, 1942), t. 124. 21 D. Jenkins a M. E. Owen, 'The Welsh Marginalia in the Lichfield Gospels', Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies, 5 (1983), tt. 37-66; ibid., 7 (1984), tt. 91-120; idem., 'Welsh Law in Carmarthenshire', The Carmarthenshire Antiquary, 16-18 (1982), tt. 17-27. 22 David Jenkins, 'The Pryse Family of Gogerddan', CLl.G.C VIII (1935), tt. 81-96; T. Jones Pierce, Medieval Welsh Society, gol. J. Beverley Smith (Caerdydd, 1972), tt. 369-89. 23 T. Parry, 'Statud Gruffudd ap Cynan', Bwletin, V (1929), t. 31, Am enghraifft dda o gywydd cymod gw. Gwaith Iorwerth Fynglwyd, gol. H. Ll. Jones ac E. I. Rowlands (Caerdydd, 1975), tt. 51-3. Gw. hefyd Ll. Mostyn 147 (445) am destun o gywydd Deio ap Ieuan Ddu i gymodi Rhys ap Maredudd a Gruffudd Fychan o Gorsygedol, a Llan- stephan 118 f. 96, am gywydd Ieuan Tew i ofyn cymod Rhys ap Morgan o Lannerch Aeron. 24 The Myvyrian Archaiology of Wales, goln. O. Jones, E. Williams, W. O. Pughe (Dinbych, 1870), tt. 330-1. Yn 61 Hywel Roberts (yn dilyn awgrym D. J. Bowen), Rhydderch yw gwrthrych yr awdl, er mai Ieuan Llwyd, y tad, a enwir yn y teitl a roddir iddi. Gw. D. Hywel Roberts, 'Noddwyr y Beirdd yn Sir Aberteifi', Lien Cymru, X (1968), t. 86n.39. Am destun o gymrodedd Llwyn Gwyn, gw. T. Jones Pierce, 'The Law of Wales- the Last Phase', Trafodion Anrhydeddus Gymdeithas y Cymmrodorion (1963), tt. 20-3. 26 Gw. uchod n.3; Rhys W. Hays, 'Welsh Students at Oxford and Cambridge Uni- versities in the Middle Ages', C.H.C., 4(1969), tt. 325-61; G. Usher, 'Welsh Students at Oxford in the Middle Ages', Bwletin, XXVI (1955), tt. 193-8. 27 Episc. Reg. St. David's, II, 493, 505. 28 Gw. uchod n.3. 29 P. W.L.M.A., tt. 114-5, 117-8; ibid., 119-20, 550; ibid., 162-3. 30 Gwaith Guto'r Glyn, t. 213. Ar wisg y gwyr cyfraith, gw. J. H. Baker, The Order of Serjeants at Law (Selden Society, Supplementary Series 1984), 19,67; idem., 'Effigy of a