22. J. M. Howells, The Crosswood Estate and its Growth and Economic Develop- ment, 1547 — 1899 (University of Wales unpublished M.A. thesis, 1956). This thesis is in all respects an admirable survey of its subject. 23. See H. A. Rhee, The Rent of Agricultural Land in England and Wales, 1870-1943 (London, 1949). This bases its findings largely on Schedule A assessments of income tax (on income arising from the ownership of land). I have benefitted from conversation with Mr. David Howell, of the London School of Economics, whose researches into Welsh land problems in the nineteenth century will undoubtedly prove to be of fundamental importance. 24. F. M. L. Thompson, op. cit., p. 318, citing Estates Gazette, 7 January 1888. 25. For the Lisburnes, see J. M. Howells, op. cit. On the Pryses, see David Jenkins, 'The Pryse Family of Gogerddan', National Library of Wales Journal, III (1953-4). There is an engaging and informative account in H. M. Vaughan, The South Wales Squires (London, 1926). Also helpful is Francis Jones, The Old Families of South-West Wales', Ceredigion, IV (1960), pp. iff. 26. Edmund Gosse, Algernon Charles Swinburne (London, 1917), p. 158. Also see H. M. Vaughan, op. cit., pp. 82ff. There are some restricted, but unremarkable, letters from Swinburne in the Nanteos Papers, National Library of Wales. 27. J. C. Harford (1860-1934) married the second daughter of the Rt. Hon. H. C. Raikes in 1893. Bateman gives Harford's holdings as 5,782 acres, making him the fourth biggest landowner in the county. 28. Ieuan Gwynedd Jones, loc. cit., p. 22. 29. All are included in Who's Who in Wales, 1920. Further details may be found in the local press, especially the Cambrian News and the Welsh Gazette. For Howell, the J. M. Howell Collection in N.L.W. contains some political material. 30. Royal Commission on the Church and other Religious Bodies Nonconformist Statistics. (P.P., 1910, XIX, 9, 18). The Methodist membership is given as 13,014, and that of the Independents as 11,465. 31. There is no good account of John Gibson and few letters from him have survived. There is much useful material in Cambrian News Jubilee Supplement, 1880-1930, 16 January 1931. I am also grateful for the loan of the papers ofj. H. Richards, a Cambrian News journalist, from Mrs. Haslett, Aberystwyth. The other major Liberal organ, Welsh Gazette, first appeared in 1899. 32. In 1886, Colonel Pryse was rejected by the Liberal Association because of his opposition to Gladstone's Irish home rule programme (Cambrian News, 2 July 1886). The family supported David Davies in the election but continued to regard themselves as Liberal. Lewis Pugh-Pugh of Abermad, the Whig who sat as Liberal member for the county from 1880 to 1885, turned Unionist and campaigned for Davies in 1886 and William Jones in 1892. 33. M. Vaughan Davies to Lord Salisbury, i February 1886 (Christ Church Library, Oxford, Salisbury Papers, class E I am grateful to the present Lord Salisbury for permission to quote from these papers). 34. Viscount Emlyn to Lord Salisbury, 1 June 1888 (Salisbury Papers, class E) 'Private'. Emlyn's father, the second Earl of Cawdor, wrote to Salisbury in similar vein (31 May 1888). 35. Viscount Emlyn to Lord Salisbury, i June 1888. Davies-Evans, vice-chairman of the Carmarthenshire Quarter Sessions in 1888, owned no land in Cardigan- shire at all. 36. Royal Commissior on Land in Wales, Report (P.P., 1896, XXXIII, 277). 37. John Gibson to E. W. Evans, 13 March 1907 (N.L.W., Frondirion MSS., io,85iB).