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THE ILLUSTRATED WREXHAM ARGUS AND NORTH WALES ATHLETE. Edited by Arthur Wm. Berkeley. No. 312, JULiY, 1910. F2d. NOTES AND NOTIONS. Important alteiations are bein<; made at the Post Office, in order to provide for the telephone business which will be transferred from the National Telephone Company when their agreement expires on December 31st, I9il. The alterations are extensive, and include the addition of a third storey. The space occupied by the present telephone room will be allotted to liue-meu. The second floor will have a large switch room, lighted by a skylight and lantern in the centre. O.i the same floor there will be the test and batierv room. The whole structure will be up to date, the walls being lined with while -lazed bricks. A largely attended meeting whs held at Wrexham on the loth ult to extend a "welcome home" to AI r F IL Hawkins, chairman of the Directors of the London Missionary Society, after hib tour of seven months' duration in China. Addresses on behalf of the Chester- Street Congregational Church, of which Mr Hawkins is secretary and a deacon, were delivered by the Rev. J. T. Miles, Mr John Fiancis, and Mr Wm Thomas. An illuminated address, beautifully bound in the form of an album, was presented to Mr H iwkins in the name of the Wrexham and District Auxiliary of the London Missionary Society, by the Kev. Robert lloberts, Rhos, ex-President of the Congregational Union of Wales. Mr Hawkins suitably acknowledged the hearty welcome accorded him and the gift of the address, and afterwards gave a very interesting account of his experiences In beautiful weather, the annual festival in connection with the St Asaph Diocesan Mothers' Union w.is held at Wrexham on the 14th ult, when between 1,600 and ^.000 members took part in the interesting proceedings, which included service at the Parish Church, a march through the town, and tea in tents on the Parciau— Wrexham's new Park. In the Argus for June we gave particulars of the death of Mr Herbert Hovvel Davies, M.A, principal of Colvin Talugdar's School, Lucknow, a son cf Mr and Mrs Howel Davies, of Foster-road, Wrexham. The " \'ussoorie Echo," a copy of which has come to hand, says :—" Mr Duvies's death was due t> meningitis following upon enteric fever. Rather more than three S weeks before his death, he went to Mussootie suffering from fever, which was soon diagnosed to be a bad case of enteric. His constitution was natuiallv strong, and it was hoped that the ci it-is had been safely got over, but serious symptoms of brain trouble supervened, and despite every care he slowly sank. The funeral took place at the Cemetery round the C imel's Back, and in a Idition to the party of personal friends there were present eight of the young Talugdars, wliom Mr Davies had brought to Mussoorie to spend their vacation, and the two masleis in charge. Mr Hnwel Davies. the "Echo "_says, after taking a good degree at St Johns C dlege, Cambridge, devoted himself to teaching, and was for several years a master at Frainlingham College, Suffolk, where he soon made his mark as one who was endowed with rare gifts for the work of his profession. Eight years ago he was selected by Sir Auckland Colvin, of the Colvin Talugdar's School, in succession to Mr Siddons. The appointment was an unqualified success. Rarely has a man and his work been so com- pbtely fitted to each other. With wonderful energy Mr Davies ihiew himself zealously into all the duties of his very responsible position, and made himself not only the teacher, but the guardian, friend and comrade of those entrusted to his care. From the very beginning he gave himself wholly to his work, identifying himself completely with its fortunes, and under his care the school developed wonderfully. To-day, one would have to search far before finding a school in which there was a more healthier, manlier tone, or in which there is a more honourable feeling of esprit de corps among the pupils, past and present* And none the less, Mr Howel Davies endeared himself to the parents of his pupils. Few Englishmen were better known to the Talugdars of Oudh than he, and they must feel that in him they have lost a true and most genial friend, one who seemed to carry sunshine and smiles with him whereever he went.