Welsh Journals

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Vol. XVII. CHRISTMAS, 1909. No. 36. iSbitoviaL E often try to gauge the varied feelings of those who assemble for yet another School Term, and wonder with what momentous consequences it may be fraught for the future. There is the 'new boy,' who comes into the Hall for the first time, feeling just a little uncomfort¬ able in his new home, as he hears his name called out (it never startled him so much before), and meets strange faces and strange ideas; there is the boy who lias grown a little older during the holidays, and is perhaps a little more alive to the possibilities of his School life: and there are others for whom this may be the last term in the old School, whose names will soon be an empty memory, or, it may be, something even less pretentious.' All these are laying up a store of memories which will haunt them with a curious persistence when they are far away— memories that will be ' bone of their bone,' the marrow of their manhood's ideals, created in some mysterious way which defies calculation. For the very buildings of a School which, to ordinary eyes, seem so bare and gaunt, are to those who know them well, peopled with ' something ' which makes them sacred. What the gathered opinion of a Public School may produce, it