Welsh Journals

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THE Canjbrian Natural Observer. Vol. Ill] .JAN., 1901. [No. 3. Xetr fieries. Observations, THE LEONIDS. 1900. At the Society's request, a short paper of directions was drawn up by Messrs. Oarslake Thompson and Geo. A. S. Atkinson, and tor- warded to the local journals. The display, unfortunately, turned out a most disappoint¬ ing one. Several members watched, but the result was nil. Mr. Atkinson supplies the fol¬ lowing report:—As so little was known about the date of the return of the Leonid meteor shower, it seemed desirable to arrange, if pos¬ sible, for a series of systematic watches on the nights of November 12—16. Such watches are, of course, only possible, without unjusti¬ fiable fatigue, to those concerned, when a large number of observers are available, and it was only through, the enthusiasm of several of the students of the Cardiff Pupil Teachers' School that 1 was enabled' to arrange such a series. Each night from 11.45 till daybreak was divided into three watches of ahout 2* hours each, and observers allotted. The weather was, unfortunately, unfavourable, and, consequently, not so much work was done as had been hoped for; but Leonids were observed as follows: —