Welsh Journals

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f&%•**" to ttlierti^tna: Circular* CHRISTMAS, 1888. fT|HE Publisher feels great pleasure in issuing again the Advertising ■*■ Circular in this the second year of publication. The fact of its being so well supported last year goes far to prove its being a necessity, and that it fills a void that had long been felt. In fact, the citizens of "ye lyttle citie " desiderated some handy book, through the medium of which the advertiser on the one hand, and the customer on the other, become into contact. The busy housewife, and the opulent lady, equally find the Advertiser to be as much a neces¬ sity in the house as even the family clock; for as one points to the hour with correctness, so, equally certain, does the other give re¬ liable information concerning where an article may be best found, and that on the most ad¬ vantageous terms. As such the Pub¬ lisher commits it to the favourable notice of every householder within the city and the neighbouring districts; and being such, he counts upon a cordial welcome to it on its delivery. While thankful for past favours, he respectfully solicits a continuance of the same in future. In conclusion, he sincerely wishes every one, young and old, rich and poor, %i msw^\\mmi% §f fiffe David Hughes, Victoria Printing Works, St. Asaph. if tmm. fgC wwr.