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THE MONMOUTHSHIRE PORTFOLIO. No. I. Vol. 1. JANUARY, 1843. Price 3d. WELOVE THE RIGHT INTRODUCTORY ADDRESS. "'Tis not in mortals to command success, We'll do more my friends, we will deserve it." In introducing' the first Number of the "Monmouthshire Portfolio," it behoves us to offer some prefatory remarks: in the first place, touching the objects its projectors have in view ; and .in the second, the means whereby they seek their accomplish¬ ment. First, then, the objects we have in view.—We will state what they are not, in order that we may shew more distinctly what they are. ' Our objects embrace neither pecuniary emolu¬ ment, selfish gratification, the satis¬ faction of a paltry ambition, nor a pandering to the corrupt tastes and degraded intellects of men. In proof of the truth of these assertions, we appeal to the prospectus on the cover of this Magazine, and to the size, price, character, and local adaptedness of our little " Portfolio." Having cleared ourselves, from the" stigma which too generally attaches itself, to our periodical literature, with a foot firmly placed upon all unworthy mo¬ tives, we will now assume a more affirmative position;—we Will frankly reveal to you what are* our objects^- discover to you the heights #e aire about to scale—the enemy w'e will be1 obliged to combat—the beauteous land we seek to occupy, attd' the' gar¬ dens from whence we shall cull the flowers, which, shall beautify and make fragrant, the dry ethic leaves, which from time to time it will be our duty to present to you. The objects we have in view are :— To implant in the minds of our readei s, sound moral principles. To stir up a spirit of thorough thoughtful investigation. To correct bad habits and errone¬ ous views. To inform, by the communication of valuable mental truth from the treasuries of the " mighty dead," and the storehouses of the living. To arouse, a healthy ambition, in the bosoms of the young, by the in¬ sertion of interesting biographical memoirs. To encourage and foster, the liter¬ ary attempts of the youth of our county. To create a true poetic taste; to mould the imaginations of the young into proportion, usefulness, vigor, and beauty; and to cultivate, refine, and strengthen the pure affections. And, lastly, by the interweaving of sketches of sermons, by the differ¬ ent ministers of the county, to-solidify the whole into one strong'frame woVk ; and filled with flowers of poesy, as we hf6pe' it shall foe, and gemmed by the precious je'^efe of the mind, with