Welsh Journals

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s- '■■■.'■'■'' ■,.■,.■■' ;.../• ■ '' ",. \ ' ', * l ' f' ■'•. ;' ' '..^. f Nid byd, byd heb wybodaeth. Wii &$ L^ of M A G A Z IKE Vol. IV. FEBRUARY, 18&2. No. 3. I.- n.- iii. IV, r V VI. v'n. IX. x, ' XI. Xli, ^III. CON TE NTS. -The Ancient Glaciers of Cardiganshire (Walter Keeping, M.A., F.G.S., of the York Museoi) ' -Swinburne's Trilogy (Mi' W. MacCallgm.) -The Salmon Disease (W. Newton Parker.) r-THE CHANCED OLD WOMAN: A XCKSERY RHYME -ANUS MUTATA (J. HoSKTNS-AbrAHALL.) ... -The Character of Fa lstaff (J. J, Waller.) —"Th* \Bmnp Harper" (J. E. Ltd yd.) -Oc» Cambridge Letter (E. J. Griffiths) ... -The Conversazione -Scientific Notes (Dr- Humpidge) -Litbrary Notes (Prof, MacCallcm) ... ... ^Common Hoom Talk (Yoriok) .......... ^College News, &e. ... 97 101 107 112 iis. 114 122 125 128 1.34 13« 138 140 PUBLISHED AT THE COLLE.GE. ABERYSTWYTH;: J. GIBSON "CAMBRIAN NEWS "PRINTING WORKS, MILL STREET. i1 tion for the Session, 3/6; separate numbers,: -/7 eaeli.,