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THE CARMARTHEN PUNCH. V«)L 1., No. 1.] SATURDAY, NOV. 21, 184G. [Piice Threepence. To OtR Headers. — Good Carmarthen pirblic ! Re not astonished at this pwblrcation of the Car mart lien «* Punch," whicb purposes to make its ^regular forlptgUtly appearance amongst yei, and1 by" shooting «• folly as it flies/' will,it is looped, furnish food for laughter to the many, and he remunerative to the projectors. The Editorial Department will he under the control of Mr. C. Diggle "Williams ; the ** jokeses" will be bf that •* Prince of Jokers,"George SpurrelL C.e.|IB., T.P.;*.I..C...C.C.A.T.;. the Wundent* wM l.e tarnUdietl l»y Young Hnllah; and no pain's wilf be spared to render the publication afUruetife, CARMARTHEN COUNCIL COLLOQUIES. Towx Clkrk :—Mr. Ma\or, you arc wrong. Tine Mayor, (S. Tarowew, Esq ,)r—What da yon mean hy interrupting me ? -Do yon think rdor.1 know Town Clcrkt :—Tour duty r You are not to perform any duty without mj authority ; I embody the "collective wisdom* of the Council1, and no- one dares to disobey rne. You are only an automaton, and must do my bidding, Ti« Mayor, (politely) r—Oh ! I beg parte*. T Shocking Accident. i The loss of an efficient public character is a ealamjfcy to the community Wham Thomas, Esq1., Mr. Lewis Wor¬ m's Clerk, had a shocking accident while out hunttfcg'on a borrowed mare, the proj>erty of John Lewis Phillips^Esq., for having spurred the animal too violently, he m§ in' stantly thrown. Fortunately he fell upon his fteftdjf and sustained not the slighest injury; Had the unlucky "gent. been suddenly deprived of his faculties, his equal flpuld never have been obtained in Caj^nartfcen, HARRY LEWIS ISSUING QUO WARRANTOR A Challenge. Mr, Charles Mots has made a curious wager with Mr. DaVid Penwyn Morris. He bets five admission tickets to the Lectures of the Carmarthen Literary and Scientific Destitute to three skins of old ptrabnM|U,*tn*f IWeJ^eadj is hall as hh^Wftgaln^alN&atortheTRd gentleman. Query—- l>>e» the size of" the head, in cither case, guarantee the ge¬ nuineness of the materials of wjjich it is ceroposed.--N.B. John Bach y Gun is appointed umpta, Poltcr YsTEihTQKScv.—(Before the Mayor and Ma¬ gistrates.)—-Daniel Levy, a dirty, ill-shaved, ugly, lams Jew, without any teeth, was ebsrged with paving been in¬ capable of taking care of himself on Thursday night, It appeared that lis war picked OpMn Sp Jraan-etreet by In¬ spector Youngrwao chanced to be coming out of-flit Saracen's Head at tfie rfme*, anfwho kindly conveyed the unhappy Israelite to the statio».hou8e. Defendant, who spoke incoherently, said:—Your rershi pa, there rush a ten pound note vjcb riosbt rot I found on Tursday in de Dead Letter Office, and I mnsht confesj dat I drank a <)(»pBl» , vit ILui^%"Wals^Miir y« l^«oVTuTncoksB";"1tt'pri- mandsa and discharged. Disinterested Generosity, 4, It will he learnt with grateful feelings of afK ction 1^ the ratepayers of Carmarthen, that Lewis Morris, Esq], the respected Town Clerk of the Borough, has henceforward determined to devote two days in each week to the stn|y of the Municipal Reform Act. By this disinterested condw* it is supposed that municipal matters will goon more sm&thy and moth expense be saved to the burgesses in Mwj^^lL V^tv^^m^i^lcsiGih^Con MAkTnENSrllRE Caovebtisem-rxt.) TO ItR SOLD, CHEAP, MR. f&ORQE (HMDE'S rrir- hratcd Hon* H integrity," (connwisrng Ids who's fortune > This splendid anirnoJ, got by " Brawnrace/' was bred by Mr. Goode when be was book-keeper aUthe Ivy Bush Hotel. Ap. ply to Mr, Goodc, Crolt Cottage. r vm* kNHQ4IARIAW SOCiETr AFIFXlKLUi . ,