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m-M llrSIYDDAWfc TN ÄGâAinf-LLAW. i@^^^ %*&~-■''.&&*£<$'■ '■ •■ ?mm„(CMyn,) GOLTGTDD A CBTHOEDDWR. »XtB HEB DDIÄ TW BOD HEB DDÜW." SlSSmi&E,SIŴSCHUYLiQLL> PA., TA€H. L 1853. -g tt ipg ■„.',> .....esggg Cjaawysi&â* [Rhi>4 :"Ôfe' y» ^harefaar Pottanllo g«p Emiyn fisr-Womaetir jiAniaa PfSr'Uac. " ,Vj Ysgimoi* Byrfyfjpr- i/% IJiàalîau fM&- ^ngîyniott Tngijrnion- a* farWelfctîn Mary Thomaa Arẃedá, WgTÎfWöh a Gogaa * Äwsfcẃr-Mawr ŵrthÿG^ i'r «e_»dî ayinreig ~' . Tne Posta^e of the Öard, "^JTithfn tfae State, ìs ,f centa a year, out of tha fitate, 12 cente a year. Teleran y Bardd. ^L Copi am flwyddyn,- 20 " " ,r 30 " « " --£ T Copi am chweoh mia,. .«* <*■ « «. llB"hp*ViT 1 Tff1''' î~*iw<- ì, fnji ___; ' "*■ ÖÍ®ŴM»'v Aíŵ ŵshebwj*.-; - - ■■ : Shrtpáíbd Fawr/îiUuígolw» Robỳh Bd* aŵyafe»» eUC : &wŵwyo» > v 'Á. i- 5ia;%ynjoîtWf iwyr ' .►■ eiẁrywröolygyiia» %; * F ^fladychfa §TîBr<rijs ■ Vf 54 1 #« SjMjMSy aiawüjBi ? • - ; 55 55 55 5« 56 57 5Î 07 5S && 58 58 58 58 59 59 «1 «lf 62 . l Copi ara dri mi», j2 « « « « 2_ <t u tt 1. 45 «C> " « " 5 0» 13 09 16 M 24 3*v 60 3 0» 7 0«. 10 00, 2ér 2 7* 3 0« 10 tft Advertisliig- rates of the Bard. ;S^- 50na ^uai-e òí |9*Uaei, thrao iûaertìona, |1 flt !1 Erery sobseque«a inaertion, " Ä Half sqnare, 5 Hne», throe insertîoas, tt lEach jttbseqaent inaattion, ■:-_.,^ lTf JPne Sifttare, tírroe monthí,* 1M ' V do . sût montha,. ^ i 7§ do * - «w» yoar, -8 0* ; Merehants and other» adrerti«í% by tb*yoar, with ehanges, and a sianding adTertitement not.ỳ exceeding 2 aquajes of 20 Unos, wiH boÄarged;-* $9 oo.' r >■ • ': jy , •■# Ẅ:- iii ú^iiìL Termf of Advertisijag:. '■*' AdrBrtÌB8ment3fora shorter pmoí than tíx month<H» b« paid fer in aaTan'o». Yearly adv«r- tísemonts to be paid aômi-àìíno-ally ia adrance. «* Argraphir böian, pampHJ*taur neu lyfran yn aiedical. Card. ''É^mâ^nâíuaaSSj tender» bis ] öymraoí neu Saeaonaeg y* rad* doatìus. \ at-rWae» to flto pabiic of Minen- ^, __.__ _, •"?___ _. v Tóẅr * í ** Wertb ya y Swyddfh honf rlhe Englisa Catho- ( Tàsout BBiâDn*(Parott»B. Ellis, GynddeU*,) 5tf " - *\ and from H, j Mjsituojr Mai, (Grwfly» Mai,) 2*